Can plastic surgery be done in the summer? Beware of myths

The ideal time does not depend on the season, but rather on the inflammatory profile of each patient.

Many people take advantage of the months of December and January to carry out aesthetic procedures, especially plastic surgery, as the recess and vacation period allows for the necessary rest after this type of intervention. But this is also the hottest time of the year, coinciding with the arrival of summer. And any plastic surgery enthusiast has heard warnings about undergoing aesthetic procedures this season.

So, after all, can plastic surgery be performed in the summer? According to the Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery (BAPS), yes, without any problems.

“There is no limiting factor for carrying out plastic surgery in the summer. The right time to undergo the procedure is the one that is best for the patient, when he has time and can follow the pre- and post-operative recommendations, regardless of the season”, says plastic surgeon Antonio Marcos Pinto Coelho Júnior, member of Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery (BAPS), ambassador of Functional Plastic Surgery and specialist in Body Contour and Breast Surgery.

How did this myth come about?

The doctor explains that this idea arose due to the impacts of high temperatures on the body, especially post-operatively.

“High temperatures favor the appearance of swelling, especially in patients who are already predisposed to fluid retention. The heat and increased sweating during this period can also cause some discomfort when using compression garments, which is necessary in the post-operative period of many body surgeries to help shape the body, control swelling and ensure better results”, says the specialist. . 

It is for these reasons that many people choose to have plastic surgery in the fall and winter, when the weather is milder.

However, having raised these points, BAPS reinforces that there is no reason not to have plastic surgery in the summer, simply taking extra care to maintain comfort and safety in the post-operative period. And one of the main factors for the success and safety of plastic surgery is adequate pre-operative preparation.

“I always teach my fellow plastic surgeons how to de-inflammate the patient before surgery so that it can be carried out more safely. The risk of procedures does not increase during hot seasons, but it increases if the patient goes for surgery at the wrong time”, says Antonio Marcos.

He explains that the ideal moment is when the patient is relieved of inflammation and has the appropriate weight and fat percentage to carry out the surgical procedure in question. 

“The inflammatory profile of patients is assessed through various laboratory tests that allow us to analyze vitamins, hormones, inflammatory markers and blood sugar levels, in addition to body composition through bioimpedance testing. After interpreting all the data, it is possible to draw up a personalized preoperative plan for each patient, with the introduction of supplements, adequate diet, physical activity, water intake, sleep regulation and bowel habits.”

Easier post-operative period

In addition to undergoing surgery more safely, the patient with inflammation will also have a calmer post-operative period with less pain, reduced swelling, lower complication rates, greater skin retraction, better quality scars and an early return to activities. daily. 

“Regarding post-operative care in the summer, it is also essential to take extra care with photoprotection, as sun exposure and UV radiation levels are higher, which can favor complications such as the appearance of post-operative spots and darkening of the skin. scars”, warns Antonio. 

Therefore, it is essential to avoid sun exposure as much as possible in the first three months after the procedure and, after this period, always protect the operated area with at least SPF 30 sunscreen and clothing with UV protection.

Be careful with hydration

Another care that should receive greater attention after plastic surgery in the summer is hydration. 

“High temperatures and, consequently, increased sweating during the season favor dehydration of the body. Therefore, it is important to drink a large amount of fluids, which is essential to help reduce swelling and recovery after surgery. Lymphatic drainage sessions may also be recommended to help deal with swelling”, advises the plastic surgeon. 

And no matter how hot it is, it is important to continue using compression garments as recommended by your doctor. To deal with the heat, it's worth leaving the windows open or using a fan and air conditioning. But going to the pool or beach is completely contraindicated, as, in addition to intense sun exposure, there is a greater risk of infections in these places. 

“I have clinics in Ribeirão Preto and Bauru, in the interior of São Paulo, two cities that are extremely hot every month of the year and my patients progress adequately and with minimal swelling. The key to achieving a quick and smooth recovery is following all of your surgeon's pre- and post-operative recommendations”, he adds.

Be careful when choosing a professional

Finally, BAPS reinforces that, as the most important thing to guarantee a quick and safe recovery is to carefully follow your doctor's recommendations, it is essential to pay extra attention when choosing the professional who will carry out the procedure, after all, he will be responsible for ensuring that everything goes smoothly, from pre- to post-operative. 

“Look for an experienced and properly qualified plastic surgeon. To make sure, a good tip is to check if the professional has an RQE, which is the specialty qualification record”, advises Antonio Marcos Pinto Coelho Júnior.

Furthermore, it is worth researching the doctor's social networks to assess their stance and positioning and check the experiences of former patients. And, with the recent changes by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) regarding medical advertising, doctors will soon also be able to publish “before and after” photos and show their day-to-day work on social media, something that is claimed by BAPS since its creation, in 2022.

 “So, pay attention to the professional’s social networks before choosing them to carry out a procedure, but don’t base yourself on the number of followers and likes”, he concludes.


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