Gluteal Remodeling - SIME technique - ultrasound guided

What is Gluteal Remodeling Prosthesis surgery?

Gluteal remodeling surgery is an aesthetic procedure that aims to increase the volume of the buttocks, correct asymmetries or improve the contour of this region. The SIME technique, ultrasound guided, is a minimally invasive method that uses ultrasound to guide the injection of fat into the glutes.

The SIME technique is highly safe and Doctor Antonio Marcos was the one who brought it to Brazil. Ultrasound guarantees the safety of the surgery as it guides the injection of fat into the glutes.

Ultrasound allows the plastic surgeon to visualize the internal structures of the glutes, such as muscles, nerves and blood vessels. This ensures that the fat is injected into the correct location, avoiding complications.

Surgical procedures

The procedure is carried out in two steps:

  • Fat extraction: fat is extracted from areas of the body with fat accumulation, such as the abdomen, thighs or back. The extraction is done through a small incision, with the help of a cannula.

  • Fat injection: the fat is injected into the glutes with the help of a cannula guided by ultrasound. Ultrasound allows the plastic surgeon to inject fat into the correct location, precisely and safely.


  • Natural result: fat is a natural material in the body, which guarantees a natural and harmonious result.
  • Security: The SIME technique is a minimally invasive method, with a low risk of complications.
  • Durability: The result of the surgery is long-lasting, as the injected fat is gradually absorbed by the body.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from gluteal remodeling surgery – SIME technique – ultrasound guided is relatively quick. The patient must remain at relative rest for a few days and avoid physical activity for a period.

Postoperative follow-up is important to ensure the safety and success of the surgery. The plastic surgeon will evaluate the patient regularly to check the progress of the procedure and answer any questions or concerns.


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