Procedures I perform

24H Fast Recovery Breast Prosthesis

What is Fast Recovery 24H Breast Prosthesis surgery?

The 24H Fast Recovery Breast Prosthesis represents a revolutionary innovation in the field of aesthetic breast surgery. This procedure is designed for women looking to improve the aesthetics of their breasts, whether increasing volume, correcting asymmetries or restoring shape after changes due to pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss. The 24H Fast Recovery technique is meticulously planned to minimize surgical trauma and optimize recovery. Using the latest technologies and surgical techniques, this approach allows for a more precise and less invasive intervention, focusing on reducing post-operative swelling and pain.

The procedure itself is characterized by strategically placed incisions and tissue displacement techniques that preserve essential anatomical structures, resulting in less bruising and swelling. This translates into a faster and more comfortable recovery, allowing patients to resume their daily activities in a surprisingly short time. The use of anesthetics and painkillers is meticulously calibrated to ensure maximum comfort during and after surgery.

Surgical procedures

The Fast Recovery 24H Breast Prosthesis surgical procedure is a meticulously planned approach that combines advanced incision and implant placement techniques with careful tissue management, aiming to minimize trauma, significantly reduce recovery time and maximize the aesthetic results. providing harmonious and natural breast enlargement.


The 24H Fast Recovery Breast Prosthesis offers significant benefits, including faster post-operative recovery, reduced incidence of pain and discomfort, reduced visible scars, and improved aesthetic results with a natural appearance and improved symmetry, contributing to a significant increase in self-confidence and well-being of patients.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

The Fast Recovery 24H Breast Prosthesis recovery journey is accompanied by a specialized team, ensuring attentive and personalized post-operative follow-up, which includes detailed guidance for home care, monitoring of healing and regular assessment sessions to ensure the best recovery and satisfaction with the results achieved.

Mammoplasty with prosthesis

What is mammoplasty surgery with prosthesis?

Mammoplasty with prosthesis is a surgical procedure designed to improve the aesthetics of the breasts through the insertion of breast implants. This intervention is widely sought after by women who want to increase the volume of their breasts, improve their shape or correct a difference in size between them. The objective is to achieve a more harmonious and proportional appearance to the body, thus improving self-image and self-esteem. The choice of the type and size of the prosthesis is made based on the patient's expectations and the surgeon's professional assessment, ensuring that the results are both aesthetically pleasing and anatomically suited to the patient's body.

This procedure may also be beneficial for women who have had a mastectomy or have congenital breast deformities. Mammoplasty with prosthesis allows not only to restore lost volume, but also to remodel the shape of the breasts, providing a more natural and symmetrical appearance.

Surgical procedures

Prosthetic Mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the insertion of breast implants through carefully planned incisions, with the surgeon working meticulously to position the implants in a way that improves the contour and symmetry of the breasts, while minimizing scarring and ensuring a smooth recovery. more comfortable and efficient.


The benefits of Mammoplasty with prosthesis include a significant improvement in the appearance and contour of the breasts, providing an increase in self-confidence and satisfaction with body image, in addition to allowing clothes to fit better and in a more flattering way, enhancing the silhouette and promoting a greater general well-being.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from Mammoplasty with prosthesis involves detailed and attentive post-operative monitoring, with specific recommendations for care of the operated area, pain management and prevention of complications, ensuring a smooth recovery and obtaining the best possible results, with the medical team. Always available for support and guidance.

Mammoplasty without prosthesis

What is mammoplasty surgery without prosthesis?

Mammoplasty without prosthesis is a surgical procedure focused on remodeling the breasts without the insertion of implants. This technique is ideal for women who want to change the size or shape of their breasts, whether to reduce their volume, lift them or correct asymmetries. Common in cases of physical discomfort due to very large breasts, such as back and neck pain, or in situations where the patient desires a more proportional and harmonious appearance, mammoplasty without prosthesis offers an effective solution, maintaining naturalness and improving aesthetics. of the breasts.

Additionally, this procedure is often sought after by women who have undergone significant body changes, such as weight loss or post-pregnancy, where the breasts may have lost volume or undergone changes in shape. Mammoplasty without prosthesis answers these questions, allowing the restoration of a more youthful and firm breast contour.

Surgical procedures

During non-prosthesis Mammoplasty, the surgeon makes strategic incisions to remove excessive breast tissue, skin and, if necessary, relocate the nipple, aiming to create a more elevated, firm and aesthetically pleasing breast contour, adjusting the breasts to complement the rest of the breast. body and meet the patient's wishes.


This procedure offers numerous benefits, such as relieving physical discomfort associated with large breasts, improving self-esteem and body image, in addition to the possibility of practicing physical activities more comfortably and wearing a wider range of clothes, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. active and satisfactory.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from Mammoplasty without a prosthesis involves specific care to ensure adequate healing and desired aesthetic results, with detailed guidance on activities, incision care and pain management, as well as regular follow-up by the surgeon to monitor progress and answer any questions or concerns. concern that may arise during the recovery process.

LIPOAbdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo

What is LIPOAbdominoplasty surgery with Dynamic Definition Lipo?

LIPOAbdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo is an advanced surgical procedure that combines liposuction with abdominoplasty to sculpt and define the abdomen. This innovative technique goes beyond simply removing excess skin and fat in the abdominal region; it involves meticulously redefining body contouring to highlight musculature and create a more toned, athletic appearance. Ideal for patients who want not only a flatter tummy but also a more defined silhouette, this procedure is particularly popular among those who have experienced major weight loss or body changes post-pregnancy and have been unable to achieve their aesthetic goals through diet and exercise.

At the same time, LIPOAbdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo allows for a more natural and harmonious result, adjusting to the individual characteristics of each patient's body. The procedure is carefully personalized, considering the proportions of the body, the amount of subcutaneous fat and the elasticity of the skin, which guarantees an aesthetically pleasing and balanced result.

Surgical procedures

This surgical procedure involves precise liposuction techniques to selectively remove excess fat, followed by a tummy tuck to eliminate sagging skin, while simultaneously toning and tightening the abdominal wall, resulting in a smoother, firmer, more defined abdomen with clearly sculpted contours. .


The benefits of LIPOAbdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo include obtaining a visibly more toned and contoured abdomen, significant improvement in the general appearance of the abdominal region, relief from certain discomforts associated with sagging and excessive skin, as well as an increase in self-confidence and satisfaction with body image itself.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from this procedure involves careful post-operative monitoring, which includes detailed guidance on incision care, pain management, activity restrictions and techniques to maintain results. The medical team provides ongoing support and periodic assessments to ensure a safe and effective recovery, as well as advice on how to maintain long-term results.

Mini-Abdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo

What is Mini-Abdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo surgery?

Mini-Abdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo is a refined surgical procedure designed to improve the aesthetics of the lower abdominal region. Unlike traditional abdominoplasty, which addresses the entire length of the abdomen, mini-abdominoplasty focuses specifically on the area below the navel. This procedure is ideal for individuals who have a moderate amount of loose skin and fat in this area but do not require the full extent of a tummy tuck. The technique is often combined with dynamic definition liposuction, which helps to further sculpt and define the abdominal region, providing a more toned and contoured appearance.

This approach is particularly beneficial for patients who desire subtle aesthetic improvements without the more extensive scarring associated with a full abdominoplasty. It is often sought after pregnancy or moderate weight loss where the skin of the lower abdomen has become slightly saggy.

Surgical procedures

During the Mini-Abdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo procedure, a smaller incision is made compared to traditional abdominoplasty, removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen, while liposuction is used to refine and define the shape of the abdomen, resulting in a smoother and more contoured abdominal profile.


Mini-Abdominoplasty with Dynamic Definition Lipo offers multiple benefits, including a smoother and more defined abdominal contour, reduced scars when compared to a full abdominoplasty, improvement in the appearance of stretch marks located below the navel, as well as a significant increase in self-confidence and comfort. with their own body image.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

The recovery process from this intervention involves detailed instructions for post-operative care, such as pain management, incision care, physical activity limitations and guidelines for optimal healing. The medical team offers ongoing support and regular follow-up, ensuring recovery is as comfortable and efficient as possible, as well as providing advice on maintaining long-term results.

Gluteal Remodeling - SIME technique - ultrasound guided

What is Gluteal Remodeling Prosthesis surgery?

Gluteal remodeling surgery is an aesthetic procedure that aims to increase the volume of the buttocks, correct asymmetries or improve the contour of this region. The SIME technique, ultrasound guided, is a minimally invasive method that uses ultrasound to guide the injection of fat into the glutes.

The SIME technique is highly safe and Doctor Antonio Marcos was the one who brought it to Brazil. Ultrasound guarantees the safety of the surgery as it guides the injection of fat into the glutes.

Ultrasound allows the plastic surgeon to visualize the internal structures of the glutes, such as muscles, nerves and blood vessels. This ensures that the fat is injected into the correct location, avoiding complications.

Surgical procedures

The procedure is carried out in two steps:

  • Fat extraction: fat is extracted from areas of the body with fat accumulation, such as the abdomen, thighs or back. The extraction is done through a small incision, with the help of a cannula.

  • Fat injection: the fat is injected into the glutes with the help of a cannula guided by ultrasound. Ultrasound allows the plastic surgeon to inject fat into the correct location, precisely and safely.


  • Natural result: fat is a natural material in the body, which guarantees a natural and harmonious result.
  • Security: The SIME technique is a minimally invasive method, with a low risk of complications.
  • Durability: The result of the surgery is long-lasting, as the injected fat is gradually absorbed by the body.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from gluteal remodeling surgery – SIME technique – ultrasound guided is relatively quick. The patient must remain at relative rest for a few days and avoid physical activity for a period.

Postoperative follow-up is important to ensure the safety and success of the surgery. The plastic surgeon will evaluate the patient regularly to check the progress of the procedure and answer any questions or concerns.

Dynamic Definition Liposuction / LAD / HD

What is Dynamic Definition Liposuction / LAD / HD surgery?

Dynamic Definition Liposuction, also known as LAD or Lipo HD, is an advanced liposuction technique that goes beyond simply removing fat. This procedure is meticulously designed to sculpt the body, enhancing natural musculature and creating a more defined, athletic contour. Rather than focusing solely on eliminating excess fat, Lipo HD uses a more artistic and detailed approach, selectively removing fat around muscle groups, which enhances a toned appearance. This technique is ideal for individuals who already have a healthy lifestyle, but who want to further improve and define their body shapes.

Differentiating itself from traditional liposuction, LAD/HD is particularly effective in areas such as the abdomen, back, arms, thighs and buttocks, allowing for a more sculpted and detailed result. This technique has become popular among those looking for a more “honed” look, which reflects a well-trained and defined body.

Surgical procedures

Dynamic Definition Liposuction / LAD / HD is a surgical procedure that involves the strategic removal of fat deposits, using precise liposuction techniques to sculpt the contours of the body and enhance natural musculature, offering a more toned and athletic appearance, with attention meticulous attention to anatomical details for a superior aesthetic result.


The benefits of Dynamic Definition Liposuction include not only reducing unwanted body fat, but also creating a more sculpted and defined body profile, enhancing natural musculature and promoting a more athletic appearance, which can significantly increase confidence and satisfaction with one's own image.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

The Dynamic Definition Liposuction/LAD/HD recovery period requires close post-operative monitoring, with detailed instructions on incision care, pain management, activity restrictions and recommendations for optimized healing. Regular follow-up by the surgeon is crucial to monitor progress and ensure that aesthetic results are achieved safely and effectively, providing ongoing support and guidance throughout the recovery process.

Renuvion (skin retraction)

What is Renuvion surgery (skin retraction)?

Renuvion surgery, known for its role in skin tightening, is an innovative, minimally invasive technique used to improve skin firmness and appearance. Using a combination of radio frequency energy and helium, this procedure is especially effective in contracting subcutaneous tissues, resulting in smoother, more rejuvenated skin. Renuvion is particularly beneficial for patients who have experienced loss of skin elasticity due to aging, significant weight loss or after procedures such as liposuction where the skin may become saggy or loose.

Unlike traditional facelift techniques, which require larger incisions and can result in longer recovery times, Renuvion offers a less invasive alternative with visible results and less downtime. This procedure is versatile and can be applied to various areas of the body, including the abdomen, arms, thighs and neck, providing an effective solution to sagging skin.

Surgical procedures

Renuvion surgery involves the use of a small probe that emits radio-frequency energy and helium to precisely heat and contract the collagen fibers beneath the skin, promoting immediate retraction and a visible improvement in skin firmness and texture, with incisions minimal and limited disturbance of surrounding tissues. 


The benefits of Renuvion surgery include achieving firmer, more rejuvenated skin with natural, discreet results, minimized scarring and reduced recovery time compared to more invasive facelift procedures, offering an effective, minimally invasive solution to sagging skin. of the skin. It offers remarkable results, reducing skin sagging by up to 80%.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery after Renuvion surgery is generally faster and less painful than traditional facelift procedures, with clear post-operative instructions for care of the treated areas, pain management and activity restrictions. Post-operative follow-up with the surgeon is essential to monitor the healing process, evaluate results and provide ongoing support during the recovery phase, ensuring patients achieve the best possible results.

Nymphoplasty - Plastic surgery of the female genitalia

What is Nymphoplasty surgery - Plastic surgery of the female genitalia?

Nymphoplasty, or plastic surgery of the female genitalia, is a surgical procedure designed to alter the appearance of the labia minora or other structures of the vulva. This procedure is often sought by women who experience physical or psychological discomfort due to the size or shape of the labia minora, which may be elongated or asymmetrical. Nymphoplasty is not only intended to improve the aesthetics of the female genital region, but can also alleviate discomfort during activities such as physical exercise, sexual intercourse or when wearing certain types of clothing.

In addition to physical comfort, Nymphoplasty can have a significant impact on self-esteem and psychological well-being. Many women who feel insecure or embarrassed about the appearance of their genitals find this surgery a way to regain confidence and comfort with their bodies.

Surgical procedures

Nymphoplasty involves the careful removal of excess tissue from the labia minora or the remodeling of genital structures to achieve a more harmonious and symmetrical appearance, with discreet incisions and refined surgical techniques that minimize scars and preserve the function and sensitivity of the area.


The benefits of Nymphoplasty include a significant improvement in the aesthetic appearance of female genitalia, reduced physical discomfort during everyday or intimate activities, and an increase in self-confidence and emotional well-being, allowing women to feel more comfortable and secure in their bodies.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from Nymphoplasty generally involves a period of rest and limitation of physical activities, with detailed guidance on care for the operated area and pain management. Post-operative monitoring by the surgeon is crucial to ensure adequate healing, evaluate aesthetic results and provide emotional support during the recovery process, ensuring that the patient feels comfortable and satisfied with the procedure.

MILA - Minimally Invasive Lipoabdominoplasty

What is MILA surgery - Minimally Invasive Lipoabdominoplasty?

MILA, which stands for Minimally Invasive Lipoabdominoplasty, is an innovative surgical procedure that combines the effectiveness of liposuction with the benefits of abdominoplasty, but with a less invasive approach. This procedure is ideal for patients who seek to improve the contour of the abdomen, removing excess fat and skin, but want a faster recovery and less obvious scars than those offered by traditional abdominoplasty. MILA is especially beneficial for those who have a moderate amount of loose skin and abdominal fat, and who want a gentler, more conservative approach to achieving a flatter, more toned tummy.

Unlike conventional abdominoplasty, MILA uses smaller incisions and advanced techniques to minimize tissue trauma, resulting in less pain and faster recovery time. This procedure is an excellent option for patients who want significant results with minimal time away from their normal routines.

Surgical procedures

Minimally Invasive Lipoabdominoplasty, or MILA, involves strategically smaller incisions and precise liposuction techniques to remove excess fat, followed by careful removal of excess skin to enhance the abdominal contour and create a smoother, more toned appearance. with an approach that prioritizes minimizing trauma and accelerating the recovery process.


The benefits of MILA include a flatter, toned tummy with less downtime and faster recovery compared to traditional abdominoplasty, minimized scarring and post-operative discomfort, and overall silhouette enhancement and increased self-confidence by providing a more rejuvenated and contoured appearance.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from Minimally Invasive Lipoabdominoplasty involves specific care to ensure adequate healing and maintenance of aesthetic results, with detailed guidance on incision care, pain management and gradual resumption of activities. Post-operative follow-up with the surgeon is essential to monitor the healing process, evaluate the results and provide ongoing support during recovery, ensuring that the patient obtains a satisfactory and safe result.

Rib Remodeling

What is Rib Remodeling surgery?

Rib remodeling surgery is an aesthetic procedure that aims to slim the waist, reducing the width of the rib cage. The procedure is carried out through small incisions, with the help of a needle. 

Rib remodeling surgery is recommended for people who want to slim their waist and who have floating ribs very close to the hips. Floating ribs are the last two ribs in the body, which are not directly attached to the rib cage.

Surgery is contraindicated for people with serious health problems, such as heart, lung or liver disease. It is also contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Surgical procedures

The procedure is carried out in two steps:

  • Incision: Two small incisions of approximately 1 cm are made.

  • Rib remodeling: With the needle, the plastic surgeon reshapes the floating ribs, weakening them.


  • Waist slimming: The procedure is effective in reducing the width of the waist, creating a slimmer silhouette.
  • Natural result: the remodeling of the ribs is carried out precisely, guaranteeing a natural and harmonious result.
  • Security: The surgery is performed using minimally invasive techniques, with a low risk of complications.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from rib remodeling surgery is relatively quick. The patient is discharged on the same day of surgery.

Post-operative follow-up is important to ensure the safety and success of the procedure. The plastic surgeon will evaluate the patient regularly to check the progress of the surgery and answer any questions or concerns.

Men's Ultra HD LIPO - Ugraft

What is MILA surgery - Minimally Invasive Lipoabdominoplasty?

Men's Ultra HD LIPO - Ugraft is an advanced liposuction technique specially designed for men, which aims not only to remove fat, but to sculpt the body in detail to enhance muscle definition. This technique is different due to its focus on accentuating male musculature, creating a more athletic and defined appearance. A high definition (HD) liposuction approach is used, which allows for precise and detailed contouring of target areas such as the abdomen, pectorals, back and arms. The Ugraft procedure is particularly suitable for men who, despite an active and healthy lifestyle, are unable to achieve the desired level of muscle definition.

This technique is more than just fat reduction; It is a form of body sculpting that takes into account the unique characteristics of the male body. The goal is to create a more athletic contour, highlighting muscles and providing a more toned and muscular appearance.

Surgical procedures

Men's Ultra HD LIPO - Ugraft involves the use of advanced and precise liposuction techniques to selectively remove fat and sculpt the body, emphasizing natural muscle definition, which results in a more athletic profile and a significantly more toned and defined appearance.


The benefits of Male Ultra HD LIPO – Ugraft include a significant improvement in muscle definition and body aesthetics, providing a more athletic and sculpted appearance, which can lead to increased self-confidence and greater satisfaction with body image.

Recovery and post-operative follow-up

Recovery from this procedure requires a period of rest and limitation of physical activities, with detailed guidelines for post-operative care to ensure adequate healing and maintenance of aesthetic results. Post-operative follow-up by the surgeon is crucial to monitor the healing process, evaluate the results and offer continuous support during recovery, ensuring that the patient obtains a satisfactory and safe result.